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Showing posts from September, 2018

Canvas Illustration

This project did not feel like as big of a challenge to me as I thought it would. Once I got into a rhythm of coding, I breezed through it without too much difficulty. It only took me about 8 hours in one day to create this entire image, which consists of around 1400 lines of code. Drawing the image out on graph paper first was definitely a huge help. I spent around half an hour playing with the two detached flames and the background gradient and making them both interactive based on mouse function. The two detached flames were the biggest challenge because I wanted them to keep their shape when they moved, and I figured this out after around 10 minutes of playing with the coordinates. The hardest challenge was coming up with an image to create. I struggled for days to find an idea, before turning my boyfriend in his costume he created for renaissance fairs into the main part of this image. I thought adding fire as the background would be a fun and challenging way to include